Course registration for summer term 2025

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Dear students,

in the time between 9 and 19 December 2024 you may register in StudOn for courses of the summer term 2025. The course catalogue for the summer term is already published in campo!

Please note the following when registering:

  • As StudOn is linked to campo, you can only register for courses that are designated for your respective degree programme or according to the examination regulations version you are studying according to.
  • Depending on the number of courses offered, you can award up to three priorities – this means that you can also be assigned to a course that you have chosen with priority 3. Therefore, please only choose courses or assign priorities to courses that you would actually like to take or would take as an alternative!
  • If you would like to take two courses from one group in the case of “combined registration” (e.g. two courses ‘Advanced Methods’), please assign your priorities twice.
  • You can access the course registration via the course catalogue in campo, search for courses in StudOn or, as a special service, go directly to the registration page by clicking on the courses/course categories below (available from 9 December 2024).
  • No registration is required for the course “Project Planning & Preparation”. Please get in touch with your lecturer directly.
  • If you miss the registration deadline, you can register later, but then you will only receive a place on the waiting list for the time being.
  • Please note that a later exchange of course places (you exchange your place in seminar X with the place of a fellow student in seminar Y) is not possible! If you miss the registration deadline, you can register later, but then you will only receive a place on the waiting list for the time being.

 Registration period: 9.12.2024 00.00 h until 19.12.2024 23.59 h (equal opportunities, i.e. the time of application has no impact on the allocation). You will be automatically informed about your course placement by e-mail in the week from 13 to 17 January 2025.


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