Thorsten Seehaus

Dr. Thorsten Seehaus

Department Geographie und Geowissenschaften
Department of Geography

Room: Room 02.126
Wetterkreuz 15
91058 Erlangen

Curriculum Vitae

since 2017: PostDoc at the Department of Geography, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, Group: Remote sensing and GIS

2012-2016: PhD Student at the Department of Geography, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, Group: Remote sensing and GIS

2005-2011: Diploma in Physics, Julius Maximilians University Würzburg, Germany

2004-2005: Intermediate diploma in Physical Engineering, University of Applied Sciences Coburg, Germany


Peer-reviewed papers:











Conference contributions:


  • Glacier changes throughout the northern Antarctic Peninsula Ice Sheet, IUGG General Assembly, Berlin, 2023
  • Mass balance of the northern Antarctic Peninsula Ice Sheet, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2023
  • Measuring and modeling mountain glaciers and ice caps in a changing climate (International Doctoral Program M3OCCA), Virtual Alpine Observatory Symposium, Grainau, 2023
  • Vermessung und Monitoring von Gletschern und Eisschilden mittels Erdbeobachtung, First German Space Science Meeting by DLR, Bonn, 2022, invited talk
  • Remote sensing of glaciers – How satellites help us to monitor ice mass changes, Polarstunde by German Polar Sciences Society and APECS Germany 2022, invited talk
  • Thwaites bricht?!, Families for Future, Fürth, 2022, invited talk
  • Determination of mass changes of Arctic and Antarctic glaciers, AK Fernerkundung Meeting, #GeoWoche2021, 2021, (virtual meeting)
  • Glacier mass changes in South America from synthetic aperture radar interferometry, Meeting of IACS Working Group on “Regional Assessments of Glacier Mass Change”, 2020, invited talk (virtual meeting)
  • Glacier Changes in the Andes, Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center, Ohio State University, Columbus, 2020, invited talk (virtual meeting)
  • Klimawandel und die Auswikungen, Wege aus der Klimakriese, Neunkirchen, 2019, invited talk
  • Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die Gletscher, Teachers for Future, Erlangen, 2019, invited talk
  • Glacier Recession in the tropical Andes – Area and Mass Changes 2000-2016, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2019
  • Monitoring of glacier changes throughout South America with a focus on the tropical Andes, Alpine Glaciology Meeting, Innsbruck, 2019
  • Glacier elevation and mass changes over whole South America derived from satellite InSAR data between 2000 and 2011-16, AGU Fall Meeting, Washington D.C., 2018, invited talk
  • Changes in ice dynamics along the northern Antarctic Peninsula, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2017, marked as session highlight“
  • Changes in ice dynamics along the northern Antarctic Peninsula, TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X Science Team Meeting, DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, 2016
  • Assessment of essential climate variables – Observation of glacier changes in the tropical Andes, EO4GEOSS Kick-off Meeting, DLR Bonn, 2016
  • Changes in ice dynamics at the northern Antarctic Peninsula, IMCONET EU FP7 IRSES Workshop, Bremerhaven, 2016
  • Recent changes in ice dynamics of Antarctic Peninsula glaciers revealed from multi-mission remote sensing data, Int. Polartagung, Munich, 2015
  • Changes in ice dynamics of tributary glaciers of former Larsen-A and Prince-Gustav-Channel Ice Shelf (Antarctic Peninsula), IGS Symposium, Cambridge, 2015
  • Ice dynamics and elevation changes on the Antarctic Peninsula, HGF-EDA Alliance Cryosphere Workshop Bremerhaven, 2013


  • Geodetic mass balance along the Antarctic Peninsula, IGS Cryosphere Meeting, Reykjavik, 2022
  • Glacier changes along the Antarctic Peninsula derived from multmission remote sensing data, ESA Living Planet Symposium, Bonn, 2022
  • FAU Glacier portal: Near global, freely available Sentinel-1 glacier velocities database outside the polar ice sheets, AGU Fall-Meeting, New Orleans, 2021 (online poster contribution)
  • Image Inpainting techniques for void filling in glaciological remote sensing products, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2020 (Sharing Geoscience Online conference)
  • Glacier Changes in the Tropical Andes, TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X Science Team Meeting, 2019
  • Glaciological changes on the northern Antarctic Peninsula, SCAR POLAR 18, Davos, 2018
  • Ice discharge of Larsen C Ice Shelf tributary glaciers, Internationale Polartagung, Rostock, 2018
  • Observation of glacier changes in the tropical Andes by SAR remote sensing, ESA Fringe Workshop, Helsinki, 2017
  • Observation of glacier changes in the tropical Andes by SAR remote sensing ,EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2017
  • Assessment of essential climate variables – Observation of glacier changes in the tropical Andes, Alpine Glaciology Meeting, Zürich, 2017
  • Changes in ice dynamics along the northern Antarctic Peninsula, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 2016
  • Assessment of essential climate variables – Observation of glacier changes in the tropical Andes, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 2016
  • Assessment of essential climate variables – Observation of glacier changes in the tropical Andes, TerraSAR-X/TanDEM-X Science Team Meeting DLR Oberpfaffenhofen, 2016
  • Velocities, elevation changes and mass budgets of Antarctic Peninsula glaciers, DFG SPP 1158 Coordination workshop Rostock, 2016
  • Observed changes in ice dynamics on the northern Antarctic Peninsula, ESA Living Planet Symposium Prague, 2016
  • Velocities, elevation changes and mass budgets of Antarctic Peninsula glaciers, DFG SPP 1158 Coordination workshop Frankfurt, 2015
  • Dynamic adjustments of tributary glaciers to ice shelf disintegration, HGF-EDA Alliance Week Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 2015
  • Velocities, elevation changes and mass budgets of Antarctic Peninsula glaciers, DFG SPP 1158 Coordination workshop Dresden, 2014
  • Recent changes in ice dynamics of Antarctic Peninsula glaciers revealed from multi-mission SAR data, SCAR Open Science Conference Auckland, 2014
  • Flow and ice discharge of tributary glaciers of Larsen-C Ice Shelf, SCAR Open Science Conference Auckland, 2014
  • Effects of ice-shelf disintegration on tributary glaciers at the Antarctic Peninsula, IGS Symposium Chamonix-Mont Blanc, 2014
  • Velocities, elevation changes and mass budgets of Antarctic Peninsula glaciers, DFG SPP 1158 Coordination workshop Bochum, 2013
  • Ice dynamics of Northern Antarctic Peninsula glaciers from multi-mission remote sensing data, HGF-EDA Alliance Week Garmisch-Partenkirchen, 2013
  • Ice dynamics and mass budget of Northern Antarctic Peninsula glaciers, 5. TerraSAR-X Science Team Meeting Oberpfaffenhofen, 2013
  • Velocities, elevation changes and mass budgets of glaciers on the northern Antarctic Peninsula (Dinsmoor-Bombardier-Edgeworth Glacier System), EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2013


Polargebiete, Glaziologie, Radar-Fernerkundung,



PAGE: Past, present, and future glacier evolution in the Tropical Andes, Emmy Noether Programme, DFG

M3OCCA: International Doctoral Programme: Measuring and Modelling Mountian Glaciers in a Changing Climate, ENB

CSAPIS: Climate sensitivity of western Antarctic Peninsula ice shelves, DFG

LASSI: Large-scale Automatic Calving Front Segmentation and Frontal Ablation Analysis of Arctic Glaciers using Synthetic-Aperture Radar Image Sequences, DFG

UNLOC: Unlocking the glaciological information of historical aerial imagery to obtain long-term glacier mass balance information and to identify drivers of glacier changes on the Antarctic Peninsula, DFG

MIT-AP: Mass balance and ice dynamics of Antarctic Peninsula glaciers, ESA

INSULATE & APGCP: Polar-5 geodetic & geophysical airborne surveys on the Antarctic Peninsula, AWI/HGF

STRG: Surface state of Tropical Glaciers – Polar 5 aerial survey


VELMAP: Velocities, elevation and mass changes of Antarctic Peninsula Glaciers, DFG

HGF Alliance “Remote Sensing and Earth System Dynamics” (EDA)

GEKKO: Assessment of essential climate variables – Observation of glacier changes in the tropical Andes, BMWi/DLR

IMPECCAPLE: IMProved gEodetiC glaCier mAss BaLancE measurements by integrating remote sensing, surface mass balance and firn compaction modelling – a case study from James Ross Island, Antarctica, DFG

RETREAT: Operational glacier velocities processing from Sentinel-1 data, BMBF/DLR

PPF-TA: Assessment of glacier changes in the Tropical Andes, FAU Emerging Talents Initative

TAPE: Tapping the potential of Earth Observations, FAU Emerging Fields Initiative



  • Antarctic Peninsula
  • Tropical Andes
  • Svalbard


  • Multi-sensor remote sensing
  • Photogrammetry
  • SAR offset tracking procedures
  • SAR Interferometry
  • GNSS and GPR
  • Surveys
  • Altimetry
  • GIS


Bachelor of Science:

  • Mass balance of Zongo Glacier derived from historical imagery and InSAR data (2022)
  • Ice velocities of the northern section of the Larsen C Ice Shelf (2017)
  • Spatial patterns of ice discharge at the Werstern Antarctic Peninsuala (2017)
  • Temporal variability of ice discharge at the Western Antarctic Peninsula (2017)
  • Glacier velocity changes of tributaries of the southern section of the  Larsen C Ice Shelf (2017)
  • Analyse der SAR-Signal-Eindringtiefe auf Vega Island (Antarktisch Halbinsel) (2016)
  • Area and mass changes of the James Ross Island ice cover, Antarctic Peninsula (2015)
  • Eisdynamik und Eismassenabfluss auf der südöstlichen Antarktischen Halbinsel (2014)

Master of Science

  • A semi-automated approach for glacier surge detection based on Sentinel-1 timeseries analysis (2021)
  • Identification and Detection of Birds Using Deep Learning and Aerial Imagery (2021)
  • Mapping snow cover from optical time series over glaciers: Using automated Otsu’s thresholding (2020)
  • The impact of ash cover on glacier mass balances in Kamchatka (2020)
  • Ice volume change of Svalbard derived from Icesat 1&2 data (2020)
  • Evaluation and Quantification of SAR-Signal Penetration using TanDEM-X data (2018)
  • Ableitung der basalen Schmelzrate des SCAR-Inlet Shelfeises mittels verschiedener Fernerkundungsdaten und Auswerteverfahren (2015)
  • Ableitung von digitalen Geländemodellen für King George Island mittels TanDEM-X bistatischen SAR-Daten (2015)
  • Ableitung glaziologischer Parameter aus ERS-SAR Daten auf der Antarktischen Halbinsel (2015)


  • Kaian Shahateet (2019-2023 at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid)
  • Dakota Pyles (since 2023 at FAU)
  • Vijaya Kumar Thota (since 2023 at FAU)