WG Soil (Bäumler)

Logo SoilOur working group “Boden” deals with the role of soils as interface of all terrestrial environmental compartments and between humans and environment.

A key aspect is research on processes of soil development: Can soils be used as proxies of landscape development and past environmental fluctuations? Another focus deals with pedogenesis: Are soils with andic properties, but developed from non-volcanic parent materials, new soil types clearly different from Andosols? And what is the role of iso-volumetric replacement during the formation of Terrae calcis?

Prof. Dr. Rupert Bäumler

  • Bodenlabor
    Hartmannstr. 14 (Kussmaul-Campus)
    91052 Erlangen
    Office hours: nach Vereinbarung

Preisverleihung 2017 (Foto: XYZ)

Further research work is dealing with questions on soil fertility and land use, or land use capacity of soils under recent environmental changes, and the consequences of overusing soils and soil degradation. Our regional core research areas are in High Asia and Middle East besides Germany and Middle Europe.

In terrain…